1. Info-graphic
<a href="http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/3696163/Hawaii"
title="Wordle: Hawaii"><img
alt="Wordle: Hawaii"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>
2. Documentary
This is the video I made for documentary:
3. Newspaper
Hawaii is a group of islands which locate in the central Pacific Ocean. The total area of the islands are 16633 km3, and they lie 2397 miles from San Francisco, California, to the east and 5293 miles from Manil-ato the west. The capital city of Hawaii is Honolulu, located on the island, Oahu, which is the third larg-est island in Hawaii. Hawaii became the fifty state of America in August 21th in 1959.
of HawaiiAlthough Hawaii became the 50th state of the U.S in 1959, but there were already some people landed this island hundred years ago. About 1500 years ago, Polynesians were the first one who discovered and landed this land.
In 1778, Captain James Cook landed the island of Kauai. And Captain Cook named the islands “ Sandwich Island.” A year later, Captain James Cook got kill in Hawaii.
In 1810, King Kamehameha controlled Hawaii, and a year after King Kamehameha died, his son, Liholiho, abolished an old system of Hawaii.
In 1820, the first group of missionaries arrived in Hawaii. Then Hawaii became the harbor that were a lot of sailors, merchants, and fishermen. And in 1898, Hawaii became the territoryof America.
In the twenty century, sugar manufacturing and pineapple planting made the economic development
of Hawaii better than ever, and so a lot of Japanese, Chinese, Filipino,
and Portuguese came to Hawaii for work. Under James Dole's
controlled, Lanai Island became the first place where producepineapple, and people called the island “Pineapple Island.”
In 1959, Hawaii became the 50th state of America.
Culture of HawaiiTemperate climate, beautiful beach, group of islands, and azure sea represent this amazing island “Hawaii.” Beside these characteristics of Hawaii, culture of Hawaii is also really special and interesting, such as the tradition dance, lei and their language. And everything characteristics makes Hawaii unique, special, and unforgettable.
Language of Hawaii
Language of Hawaii is a part of their culture, King Kamehameha lll established the first Hawaiian-language in 1839 and 1840. And their language represent the passion of Hawaiian. For example, the first word you may say or hear when you walk out of the airport of Hawaii must be “Aloha!” the word “aloha” means “welcome,” or “hello, or “thank you,” or “good-bye.” Hawaiian language is along with English, it's an official language of the state of Hawaii.
popular Hawaiian words and phrases:Baby: Keiki or pepeBirthday: La hanau
Please join us: Ho'olu komo la kauaHappy Birthday ~ Hau`oli la Hanau (pronounced how-oh-lay la ha-now)Thank you: Mahalo Good morning: Aloha kakahiaka I Love You: Aloha Au Ia 'Oe
My love is yours:
Nau ko`u alohaYour're mine: Na'u `oe Teacher: kumu Student: haumana
The Hula Dance
Hula is the soul of Hawaiian that they expressed in motion.. Some of the Hawaiian believes that th-e first hula was performed by a god or goddess, and some people say that only men dance hula, but legend t-lls that both women and men danced hula. Hula was performed in the religious cerem-onies. In hula, every moment has its own special mea-ning, those moments represent various of things, such as plants, anima-ls, and even war.
Fruit of Hawaii
The weather of Hawaii is good for growing some fruit, so you can find many fruit in Hawaii, such as avocados, bananas, papayas, pineapple, etc. And most of the fruit in Hawaii is really sweet because of the hot weather.
LuauIn Hawaii, the word “Luau” means feast. The definition of the word Luau is Hawaiian party. In ancient Hawaii, women could not eat with man, no matter who you were, but the situation changed while King Kamehameha ll abolished all these kind of tradition al religious
practices and these was called the Luau.
Hawaii is the only state in the United State that is an island, however, the climate become the global issue of Hawaii. Hawaii is influence in sea level rises, coastal flooding and a lot of impacts causedby climate change. According to the global climate report of Hawaii, the islands have been rising temperatures and rising sea level in lately ten years.
The change of climate and global warming are two very serious problems to Hawaii's environment, heal-th, economy, and natural resource. If the sea level rise, a small island located in Hawaii nor-thwest region will disappear. And the disappearance of this island will ruin the habitats of birds, fish, and
some animals.
4. Reflection
Everyone in the 19 century humanities class had done with their final exam, which is presentation. I learned a lot in every people's presentation, for example, Angela's told us about how the human treated the rabbit and test them, I think that was really immoral, she also introduced dogs to us. Another example is Kaho's presentation, her presentation was about somethings special in Japan, and what food Japanese usually eat, things like that, and I finally know what is otaku. Tina's presentation was really interesting as well, she told us about some bad effect about playing to much games, and it was really useful and relate to our real life. The last one I am going to talk about is Mr. Kinzer's presentation, I think his presentation was totally aspiring, he was talking about "the edge," and I really want to try more new things that I haven't try to do before, and his presentation makes me want to experience more, and also makes me want to undergo more beautiful experiences in this world. However, it was too bad that i didn't stay until Mrs. Kinzer's presentation because I have to take the school bus!!!